What teachers and students are saying about
Shakespeare Canada
What teachers have to say:
"Students and teachers alike were captivated by this most exceptional performance, and we look forward to hiring Shakespeare Canada during the next school year." "I highly recommend Shakespeare Canada to any school interested in providing a first-rate educational experience for their students. The individuals in the company are pleasant, professional, courteous and punctual. Among the aspects particularly appreciated by the students were the acting, the lighting, the music, the special effects, the fight scenes and the modernization of the script." "The students found the language very accessible. They connected to the play when the actors referred to things that are relevant in their lives. We were all impressed by the audience participation component of the productions." "Any school should have the opportunity to enjoy the craft of Shakespeare Canada, regardless of whether they have studied Shakespeare or not in their curriculum. The original approach that the producers and actors have towards their script lends itself to any audience and makes for a truly engaging experience. I strongly recommend this theatre company for both educational and entertainment purposes." "Your theatre troupe is like a breath of fresh air coming into our school. Shakespeare has become a four letter word among most of the students because they don't understand it. However, your productions are so entertaining and understandable, that our students are beginning to appreciate and experience Shakespeare once more!" "Our students were particularly struck by the actors' ability to deliver swift verbal comebacks to random comments from the audience. It was a great way for students to get a taste of theatre as it was in Shakespeare's day." "We have had success through Shakespeare Canada where other companies have been less well received by our students. It would seem that if these productions can touch our adolescents, they merit the highest degree of support. Efficient organization, technical skill and success in communication with the target audience, I applaud this company and hope it is able to continue and flourish in its ventures." “I have been impressed with how easy it always is to organize this event.Correspondence with you is punctual and professional. Your portable stages, lighting and props adapt to our stage with no trouble. Because you bring theatre to the school, there are fewer conflicts with schedules.” “The teachers at our school expressed how impressed they were with your shows. The great respect you showed for the original text, mixed with your company’s animated performances, were the subject of much staff room conversation. How your company is able to transform our gym into the Athenian forest and then a disco was awesome.” "If the greatest compliment is imitation then my students complimented your actors excessively. For weeks after seeing the play, they repeatedly mimicked the fun phrases and gestures used between Dromio and Antipholus. Thanks so much for opening our students' minds and interests into the world and work of Shakespeare" "The acting was first rate and the modernizations made to the dialogue transformed this celebrated classic into a highly accessible masterpiece appropriate for all ages." "I would highly recommend Shakespeare Canada to any audience seeking the maximum effect of Shakespeare’s work. In addition, their in-class workshops enhance the overall positive effect of the performance. The company is to be commended." "The performances presented by Shakespeare Canada manage to combine the essentials of the original play, while giving students the modern interpretation that appeals to adolescents. In addition, as an administration, we welcome the high degree of efficiency, dependability and flexibility of the company." |
What Students have to say:
Your Shakespeare production was amazing! :D .. I love acting.. and I could relate to how you felt at the end of it.. after all my productions at school.. i feel soo proud and happy! :) .. you guys were AMAZING! :D ♥ Great play! The Marylin Manson cover of Sweet Dreams really made the whole thing :D good job! The Midsummer Nights Dream play at John Rennie high school was just outstanding. The best play I've seen in a while. Keep it up your team will go a long way..... 5 stars That was the best thing as a play or even a movie I have ever seen!! It was fantastic The play: A Midsummer Night's Dream at Alexander Galt was amazing!!! Wow you guys did amazing, very nice...the sounds the lights and the actors were all so entertaining thank you very much for the work you put into organizing a performance like that. The play Hamlet at Alexander Galt was great :) I really enjoyed it :) Thank you very much for the presentation of Hamlet at Alexander Galt. It was absolutely amazing :). Hope you come back next year! Hey i'm from Honore Mercier and I loved the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"! I loved the girl who acted like a lion, she was very funny! Great job at BHS today!you guys were amazing and funny! i liked how you had it in modern language cause when we read it in class i got confused a bit! but you made me understand it better! you guys did great and i hope to see you do another show! :) Thanks :) You guys did a awesome job at BHS! Hope you guys come again and Snug, You did a great job! ROOARR!!! Love ya guys and see ya soon! Awesome Job at Lindsay Place High School! Midsummer Nights Dream was beautifully done indeed! =) Honestly, today at WIC, everyone has absolutley fabulous and if i may even say, perfect ♥ U guys were AMAZING in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Villa Marie High!!! everyone in sec 1 LOVES U!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ Shoutout from P.C.H.S good job today! You guys are awesome :) Villa loves you :) You Guys Did an awesome job today at Felix-Leclerc. I did the exact same play last year in french as the role of bottom, and after seeing yours i really wish we could've modernized it!!! you're an awesome group and hope you guys keep on going!!! You guys were AWESOME at Felix today. Hope you guys come back next year! Saw you guys perform A Midsummer Night's Dream at PACC in LaSalle......it was so funny :) I just watched your performance at Pacc in Lasalle you guys were AMAZING!!!!!! You guys rock! You came to my school today (c.v.r.) you are so awesome and you also came last year I attended both but my favorite was A Midsummer Night's Dream. If i could i would be at all your shows. Good job guys, Felix-Leclerc really adored you today. Midsummer Nights Dream was really good and funny :D Villa loves you :) you guys were awesome:)!! Great Job on Hamlet At Alexander Galt Regional High School! Simply Amazing!! Even after seeing the movie and reading both modern and Elizabethan plays, you gave Othello another sense. Thank You! You guys were amazing at school today, one of the best adaptions of "Othello" I've seen that's for sure :) Great show! Thanks for coming to PACC, I heard nothing but heaps of praise for the show the next day. Your rendition of Othello moved me. Really enjoyed your play today... It was amazing :) hii u guys came in coronation i seen ur show it wuz fun :D yeah thanks for coming to Coronation shakespeare and I loved it you know what guys, I'm gonna convince my principal to have you come to Rosemere High-School again. How does that sound? Thanks for the great show at JP I high school! Yoy guys were realy funny and amazing! Great interpretation of the twelfth night It was an really awesome show yesterday ! thanks for coming . i really did like the lights flashing when they were doing the fight scene it was sooo cool :) . hope you guys come back next year . :) the strobe lights were off the hook! great performance, my fave character was Cassio. (; It was an amazing show and you guys all did such an awesome job looking forward to it next year :D the play was amazing today i loved it! hope you guys come back next year for another fantastic play! Amazing Job on the play this year! Hope to see you at Galt again next yer! My fave character would have to Cassio! Hands-down! Once again, Amazing Job! Cassio was hot! =D Just had to say it. Also, the play was amazing this year guys! The decor was awesome! I saw your take of Othello yesterday and I loved it :) That was an awesome take of Othello. I can't wait to see you guys preform again. Thanks for a great experience. the show today was amazing:) the show was amazing :) and the actors/ actrises were very good :D i saw the show today and it was great. (: the show i saw today was amazing Othello :) you guys are actually fascinating, i never saw a play as funny as yours (: by the way i am form west wood :P hope to see another one of your marvelous plays! I really enjoyed "Othello" on Thurdsay. Thank you very much for all the advices and answers to my questions. It was very nice of you. I really think you guys do a great job. I'm a big fan of theater. When I was little I used to go all the time with my parents. I hope to see you perform again even though it was my last year at high school! Congratulations! Miruna, Evangeline gr8 show!!!really loved today's play.... wonderful job!! wanna see u guys again :) You guys are awesome ! Thnx for the show today. I loved it ♥ (Evangeline) when you came to galt the show was awesome. It's my first year in galt and I hope to see you guys next year. I really enjoyed th play, "Othello" today:) The fighting part with the lightning effects was SUPERB! GREAT JOB:D YOU GUYS REALLY DID A GREAT SHOW TODAY FOR EVANGELINE :) I loved the light effect when Cassio was fighting with the other girl!IT WAS REALLY SOMETHING NOT TO MISS :) continue the super duper great job guys :) YOU GUYS ARE H I L A R I O U S ♥ thanks for making my daay yellow tight man (: oh my gosh, the paly at my school today (alexander galt) was totally awesome! it was hilareous especially te yellow tights!!! good job! Omg, It was funny, and soo unique! Hope to see them again. Ps. 2 thumbs up! :D I really enjoyed the show this morning at Galt. Too bad we had to evacuate, but looking forward to when you guys return. You guys are really funny (at alexander galt today) your guys made my day :D I totally LOVED the play! It is my first year at Galt and I never knew such fun people came to the school! It was amazing and all of you have awesome talent! Thank you so much for coming, it made my whole day!!!! :D I loved the plays you presented at alexander galt so far they are really awesome and funny.. You make Shakespeare look funnier and understandable :P It was really good keep coming at our school!! I can't wait to see the next one :P Omg, you guys are hilariouse! I loved your play at my school, West Wood Junior the other day. You guys did an ah-mazing job! ♥ You guys are hilarious! You did a great job at Westwood! It was amazing! I can't wait to see it next year!! :) Loved the play at Beaconsfield! You guys rocked, and its amazing that you used Inception/Hans Zimmer's epic music. It fit it perfectly... This was by far the best school play I've ever seen(and I've seen a lot)! We could tell you guys put a lot of effort into the play and made the play extremely entertaining! Looking forward to seeing you guys next year in grade 8. :P you guys all did a really goood job at westwoood today ! :) it was really funny ahah, i can't wait for the video to be uplaoded ;) hope to see you guys at senior next year ! you guys were absolutely hilarious;) please come to senior campus next year! Gréât show guys keep going Please come to the senior campus next year guys!! Amazing show :D You guys are amazing xD You guys were amazing today. I hope to see you perform again some day. :) You guys were great please come next year to the senior campus :) your show was amazing at westwood Jr.!!!!!!! You guys were hilarious today at Westwood for gr.8! And amazing! Hope to see yu guys again! :) the westwood play was awesome!!! you guys are really talented!!!! the show was very nice this afternoon at the College de l'assomption...hope you'll be back next year :) your show was cool this monday i really liked it ;) I loved the performance, it was hilarious! =D hi i am one of the students at laurentia elementery school and i just wanna say that i realy enjoyed the play today!! im a student a laurentia in the class of madiie and i really like the show i am one of students of laurentia i loved the showwww you guys are awsome i love you "william shakespeare theater company actors" it was a really good show . :) hope you come back soon and show us another show :D I loved the show on Wednesday at Heritage! I hope you can come next year ! :D An amazing preformance ! Good job ! :D ♥ Best part was the fighting scene with flashing lights, very epic! Saw Twelfth Night on wednesday at Heritage it was amazing, I absolutely loved it. You guys are amazing(: best play at laval junior ever!! (yeah i posting a bit late... stupid internet..) but serioulsy, i couldnt stop laughing!! im gonna force my brother to wear some of those yellow tights now when i buy them for him ;) and yeah, not just at lavak junior, but pretty much well, in general! im thinking of going into theater ;) Heyy saw you guys at Beaconsfield High School today. Awseome job : ) Pretty funny actually the first play that I didn't hate :) good job guys Thanks for the AMAZING shoe on Wednesday i absolutely lovvved it!! I am in an acting program at my school and im already thinking of joining when im old enough :P xD hope to see you again :D it was amazing !!! You should come do Othello !! Soo funny! Loved it! Ahahahha! you guys should come do romeo and juliet! amazing! Awesome job at LJHS guys!!! You rocked!! My friends and I will never be able to listen to Bad Romance the same way again. ♥ ♥ You guys did an amazing job at Laval Junior! Congratulation, hope to see you guys again!! :D Awesome show at Laval Junior High School today!!!!! Thanks for coming to our school, I'm glad I was able to see it!! You guys were the BEST i had so much laughs especially the guy in the yellow tights dancing to Lady gaga and Sir Toby was AWSOME ♥ Great job on the show, it was hilarious you guys were amazing at felix-leclerc♥♥♥♥♥♥ Good job at St.Johns yesterday, it was so funny :) You should come to our school more often!! |